
18 years 4 months and 27 days ago I gave birth to a precious baby boy and from that time on I’ve felt as though I wrapped myself in a protective cocoon and have never allowed myself to truly see who I could have become. I want to finally allow myself to express and greave and mourn and learn how to spread my wings and fly.

I was 16 years old when I gave birth to that beautiful baby boy and placed him for adoption and I have never so much as been allowed to know his first name.

The events that surrounded that pregnancy, my son’s adoption and my relationship with his First Father unequivocally changed the person that I might have become.

This blog is going to be my outlet in expressing my views on being a First Mother, my son’s adoption as well as adoption in general and any other events I so choose. Some of it may or may not seem relevant to you, but I reserve the right to express myself any way I see fit seeing as it is my blog.

This blog is the world according to me! Everything I write will be from my viewpoint and how I see the world and events that have transpired. I think each and every one of us sees the world differently, no matter how much we might try and see things from another’s point of view. The events that have shaped my life have given me certain lenses with which I view the world and as much as I try, and hope I can sympathize with others, I can’t disconnect from that which makes me, me.

My hope is that this writing journey will be cathartic for me as a way to express so many things that I didn’t feel I was able to before, and if anyone else can find solidarity and comfort in my words than that is even better.

~ by Desi on November 21, 2008.

One Response to “Cocoon”

  1. Good job getting this started. 🙂 ❤

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